Friday, June 13, 2008

Looking to the future

Today as I was chasing Jordan around "baby jail" trying to get her to put back on her diaper I began to wonder what she would be like as a teenager. Will she be as stubborn? Will I have to chase her around the house trying to get her to put on some clothes?
I often wonder what the teenage years will be like in this house. Three teenage girls with hormones raging telling me I am wrong, all the time. Matt actually can not wait because he figures they will like him better. I can just imagine Lior having a yelling match with me with her hands on her hips telling me that I could not tell her what to do just like she tries to now. Sydney is so super sensitive and follows the rules ALL the time that I can not imagine her misbehaving but I know she will. I think she will try to fly under the radar and use her partner in crime as her decoy. And then there is Jordan, I think she will show Sydney and Lior how to climb out of the window to sneak out. Jordan reminds me a lot of Matt and he was not an easy teenager. The verdict is still out on my cute little Akiva but if Jordan is any indication he will be up to no good in no time.

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