Sunday, June 28, 2009

A day at the beach

The kids wanted to go to the beach and because we asked them where they wanted to go, we went to the beach and had a great time. It was Akiva's first "real" trip to the beach. He was not sure about the surf at first but it did not take him long to warm up to it.
Playing in the sand was definitely a huge hit. I am not sure who likes it more Matt or the kids.

Akiva really liked playing in the sand. He must have played with that shovel the entire time we were at the beach. He would let it go into the surf, complain when it would get carried away and clap when it came back.

Jordan had fun with the bucket. She really is that cute!

Lior and Jordan had a great time "swimming" in the surf.

Jordan was certainly in her element!

Akiva just loved the whole day.

Sydney thought the water was a little cold at first.
The cold water did not stop her from swimming at least thirty feet into the ocean to her beaming father who promised her an ice cream for doing it!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Whale pool

We set up our pool earlier this summer but Akiva just does not love it. He does not really like the float we have for him. He probably hates it because he flipped in it the first time I put him in it. I think he would have been fine had I actually been in the pool when he flipped but I was standing on the outside. I had put him in it so I could climb in safely, in retrospect not a good idea. By the time he flipped he was in the center of the pool and out of arms reach. Thank goodness Lior was in the pool and was able to push him towards me and I pulled him out.No wonder he does not really like the float.
After that incident I decided that Akiva needed a pool he could really play in and Target happened to have a really cute one on sale. I love a sale and Akiva loves his pool! This whale pool comes equipped with a sprinkler, how great is that?
He likes filling his pool and playing with the hose. I was a little worried initially because he was so thrilled with the hose but once he discovered all this pool had to offer, my worries were pushed aside. Almost as much as his sisters like playing in his whale pool.I had a hard time getting Sydney back into he big pool, if only that pool had a sprinkler!

Monday, June 22, 2009

She is a big girl now

It was a day for firsts. Akiva is finally taking a class at the gym and our little Miss Jordan is no longer in a parent child class. She is in a class with the big girls, without me! I have to tell you when she walked into that class without me and did not bat an eye I was sad. She does not need me anymore! She followed directions like a big kid.

She does so much more without me in the gym.

It helps that she LOVES the instructor.

She would not have done half the things she attempted if I had been in the class. The last few parent child classes had been torture for me because all she wanted to do was hang on me. She was ready to jump all by herself.

She has some really excellent role models in this class, like our very own Sydney who is thrilled to have her little sister follow her around.

And copy her.

Another first

Akiva had his first class at The Little Gym today. He's a pro already.
He walked across the beam, hung from the bar and tumbled down the mat.
Another gymnast in the making.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Fathers Day takes the cake

Looks good doesn't it. A nice hot plate of thin and crispy freedom fries.

A huge tray of sliders with ketchup, mustard and lettuce.
All put together in a cute little tray with your own side of ketchup.

A nice cold beer. It is just what every father wants for his special day!


It's as good as it looks!

Sydney is diving into it with gusto and Noam is dipping those delicious fries.

She is really loving that burger.
Lior is sharing hers with Akiva, she is such a good big sister!
Jordan is sharing with Grandpa.
Even Uncle Danny is sharing with Akiva. He was just licking Danny's burger but it looks like he is taking a big bite.
Those fries sure were tasty!

Lior is thinking about taking a bite.

Liel is my best customer. She LOVED it.

Looks good!
It just might be my best cake yet, it is certainly my cutest!

Happy Fathers Day

What a great day!


Happy Fathers Day Matt! You would pick the park with the BIGGEST
spiders!! We all know how much you love spiders.

Thursday, June 18, 2009


The sunflowers are growing. Lior is the tallest and the largest one is
taller than her. It looks like a flower is sprouting, I can't wait.

Holy green beans Batman!

Look at what our garden gas produced!! I think there are probably ten green beans in our little garden. Lior found them today and is itching to eat them all. They are waiting for daddy so he can enjoy them too.

Purple ones too!

Who knew we planted purple ones too??

Monday, June 15, 2009

Couch potato

Look at my little couch potato. Akiva loves to sit on the couch with
my big couch potato, Lior. He's actually eating blocks, not corn on
the cob. Too cute!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Wouldn't you know it!

It is just my luck, I sat down to write, write, write and I have no pictures! Matt downloaded all the pictures at work so I would have room on the camera to take pictures and video of the swimming lessons. Stay tuned and keep checking because I am posting and have been posting but the dates are in May and early June.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Akiva is fourteen months

Akiva is fourteen months old. Where did all the time go? He is amazing! I can say it because it is true and I am his mother! He is such a good baby, if he did not let out ear piercing screams when during meal time life would be good. Actually he screams a lot, not only during meal time. He screams when he does not get his way or when he wants something that the girls have. I beg the girls not to take things from him because I just don't want to hear him scream. He is actually getting much better, most of the time, he still has his moments but he is a keeper! Akiva wants to do whatever his sisters are doing. Rough housing with Matt is no exception!
Up, up up he goes!
My heart is in my throat.
I just wish I had video of the screams of joy.
Akiva doesn't mind he comes back for more each and every time.
At fourteen months Akiva has eight sharp as nails teeth that he sinks into my shoulder when I am not paying attention. He also sinks them into my toes or the girls feet because he thinks the reaction is funny. We do not. I hear the girls tell him at least three times a day that "we do not bite." "No biting Akeev..."He loves to follow the girls around and he tries to do whatever they do. He likes to sit on the couch next to them and watch movies, only he sits for five minutes and runs off. He likes to push the doll stroller around, especially if Sydney is playing with it.
I think Akiva's favorite pass time is eating. He loves to eat and he eats well. My dad says he would eat the table if we would let him. He drinks from a regular cup, uses a spoon and a fork with ease and has stopped throwing his plate on the floor. He has actually been using utensils and drinking from a cup for almost two months now. He needs to be just like the big girls. I have recently started to give him snacks in a snack bag, he dumps them occasionally. I am ready for him to eat without dumping.
His gross motor skills are great as well. He can climb the stairs with ease and started going down the stairs without assistance about a month ago. He has been trying to buckle himself into the car seat. He is great at putting objects into things. I am going to get him started on some simple shape sorting activities/puzzles as soon as I can. Unfortunately his sisters have lost all of the pieces to the shape sorting puzzles we have. That is what happens when you are the fourth kid!
Akiva is constantly vocalizing and singing. He started saying "dude" yesterday. Can you tell who taught him that? Matt has all the kids saying dude and it is driving me crazy! I am focusing on "mommy", he'll say it eventually. He sings all the time. The girls learned a song for Passover and the chorus goes "ooh ah, ooh ooh ah" and he is constantly doing it and the girls sing the words for him. Sydney was the same way, singing before she could talk. I know that once he starts talking the screaming will decrease, I can not wait for that!
Akiva loves to dance, clap his hands, and point at things he finds exciting. His piercing blue eyes cause strangers to stop and talk to him, which he eats up. He has a wonderful personality that draws you in. He is just a great great baby who is not much of a baby any more.