From Office Depot we went to Costco where we sampled our way through the store. We can not go to Costco without eating frozen yogurt. We sat down in a booth and the girls sat there for about 30 seconds sharing a yogurt. Had I had the camera it would have been a terrific photo opportunity but as we know I left it at home. Missed opportunity #2
We put the girls down for a nap when we got home. They hung out in their cribs for over an hour but did not sleep a bit. What did they do for an hour you ask? They stripped off all their clothes including their diapers and peed all over their sheets. When Matt went up stairs to get them he found 2 naked girls with the contents of their cribs on the floor. He did not think to bring the camera up with him and he was not about to walk back downstairs to get it. Missed opportunity #3.
We got them back into diapers and fed them some lunch. While we were putting lunch on the table Sydney decided to pull off her diaper and pee on the floor. She was saving us a quarter because her diaper was bone dry. I just couldn't take a picture of that. Missed opportunity #4.
After a fun bath, and a quick cuddle on the bed where I tried to take a picture of the 3 girls cuddling with Matt. The girls are far to quick and uncooperative to allow me to take a picture. Missed opportunity #5.
We stuck the kids in the car destination unknown to get out of the house. I could not find the camera anywhere in the house. I had put it in a safe place since the last place I found it was in Lior's hands. I was hoping it was not with my missing cel phone, countless shoes and assorted items of clothing. I sent Matt in to find it and much to my surprise he came out with it and put it on the center console in the car. That is where it stayed while Sydney did a strip tease in the mall. Missed opportunity #6.
I refused to miss anymore opportunities so I spent the rest of the night with my camera on my lap and caught Sydney and Lior dancing.
Matt holding Jordan upside down.
and cuddling her baby sister.