Akiva is pretty much refusing to take food from the spoon preferring to shovel in as much food as humanly possible on his own. He has eaten macaroni and cheese, canned pears, rice, cream cheese sandwiches (without the cranberries!), boiled carrots, matzoh balls, hummus sandwiches, and of course our favorite Cheerios!
Akiva decided that he liked standing in his crib so he decided to do it himself. Matt needs to lower the crib in our bedroom because he is no longer safe. He has started to pull himself up on toys around the house. As you can imagine when he pulls himself up on a doll stroller the results are not what he expects.
Akiva loves clapping hands and will even do it on command, most of the time. His favorite pastime seems to be playing with his sisters or watching them play. He laughs and laughs when they talk to him or tickle him. I am sure that because of their interest in him, he will be up and chasing them around in no time.
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