Akiva is fourteen months old. Where did all the time go? He is amazing! I can say it because it is true and I am his mother! He is such a good baby, if he did not let out ear piercing screams when during meal time life would be good. Actually he screams a lot, not only during meal time. He screams when he does not get his way or when he wants something that the girls have. I beg the girls not to take things from him because I just don't want to hear him scream. He is actually getting much better, most of the time, he still has his moments but he is a keeper!
I think Akiva's favorite pass time is eating.
His gross motor skills are great as well. He can climb the stairs with ease and started going down the stairs without assistance about a month ago. He has been trying to buckle himself into the car seat. He is great at putting objects into things. I am going to get him started on some simple shape sorting activities/puzzles as soon as I can. Unfortunately his sisters have lost all of the pieces to the shape sorting puzzles we have. That is what happens when you are the fourth kid!
Akiva is constantly vocalizing and singing. He started saying "dude" yesterday. Can you tell who taught him that? Matt has all the kids saying dude and it is driving me crazy! I am focusing on "mommy", he'll say it eventually. He sings all the time. The girls learned a song for Passover and the chorus goes "ooh ah, ooh ooh ah" and he is constantly doing it and the girls sing the words for him. Sydney was the same way, singing before she could talk. I know that once he starts talking the screaming will decrease, I can not wait for that!
Akiva loves to dance, clap his hands, and point at things he finds exciting. His piercing blue eyes cause strangers to stop and talk to him, which he eats up. He has a wonderful personality that draws you in. He is just a great great baby who is not much of a baby any more.
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