I know, I know! I know I have not been posting. I have no real excuse. I have not been happy with the picture quality so I have not wanted to post. Matt tells me to post without pictures but most of you do not want to read the blog you want to see pictures of the kids. I know my audience!
I have been unbelievably busy. The kids were home the whole summer and that was a complete change in routine. I managed to work as much as possible which kept us busy. I am not really sure why that kept me from blogging or if it did. I think I am going to blame my disappointment in the picture quality because it will justify me purchasing a new camera (again). I spent the better part of tonight reliving my summer. Matt's birthday, Sydney and Lior's birthday party, their school celebration, our vacation celebration (day one, two and three), and another beach photo shoot. I have provided links to all the posts that I wrote tonight so you do not have to search for them. They were all posted in August except Matt's birthday which is in July so if you do not feel like following the links just click on August and they will all come up. When you look at Matt's birthday cake forgive me, I was saving all of my cake decorating skills for the girls birthday cake!
Enjoy the posts and come back soon because I will be posting SOON!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Jordan just started calling for me a few minutes ago. "Mommy, Mommy, come here quick!". "I wrote a "j", I wrote my letter... And it's a beautiful one!"
Friday, September 11, 2009
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
What's that they say? Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery...
Today at nap time Sydney called downstairs to me and told me she was taking care of Jordan. When I got there I found Sydney cuddling her and asking her what her favorite part of the day was. Jordan's reply "cuddling you!". That's usually Sydney's response at the end of the day when I tuck them in at night.
Today at nap time Sydney called downstairs to me and told me she was taking care of Jordan. When I got there I found Sydney cuddling her and asking her what her favorite part of the day was. Jordan's reply "cuddling you!". That's usually Sydney's response at the end of the day when I tuck them in at night.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
First day of school
Today was the first day of pre-school for Sydney and Lior. Lior was really excied to get started. Sydney not so much! She was happy this morning but I think it is hard for her knowing that Jordan is home and that we are bound to do something fun without her. The teacher said she had a great day but when I asked her about it she said that it was not so great. She told me that the day was too long. I am sure that once she gets into the swing of things she will be fine and asking me to pick her up at three.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Posting in July
I am trying to catch up on my blogging. I have two vacations, two birthdays, four doctors appointments, Home Depot Saturdays, Art class, my Challenge (I cleaned out the laundry/pantry) and several Milestones to blog about. Unfortunately there just isn't enough time in the day to get it all done. So I have started in July, keep checking back but be sure to scroll down or click on "July" to see all the posts; you might miss something.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
"Jordan pooped a j"
I am demonstrating great restraint today. A few minutes ago, I heard Jordan screaming in the bathroom. "Mommy come here, come here!". I walked into the bathroom to find her standing in front if the toilet smiling from ear to ear. "I did a big poopy!". Lior followed me in and exclaimed "Jordan it's huge! And it's a J!". She wiped quickly and ran out of the room to go and find her daddy, she knew he would appreciate it! Sydney came running in to check it out and then Matt who gave her the reaction she was looking for.
Right about now my brothers, at Matt's insistance, are staring at a picture of Jordan standing next to the toilet smiling proudly. I have decided to spare the rest of you.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Movie night
On our most recent trip to Naples, the girls crawled into our bed to watch a movie. We loved it so much we decided to try it at home. Tonight we are watching Enchanted and hopefully we can have everyone safely tucked into bed by eleven.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Monday, August 10, 2009
Right of passage
I remember playing with my moms makeup when I was little and today was little miss Sydney's turn. "Don't I look beautiful mommy?"
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Vacation day three
We spent the last day of vacation on the beach as well. We spent a majority of the day in the water because it was hot, really hot. We swam the kids out to the sand bar where we could stand comfortably and the kids could barely touch.

Akiva loves his grandma and posing for the camera.

My dad loves doing stuff with the kids and they love doing things with him.
While we were out on the sand bar Sydney was diving down to the bottom and finding Sand Dollars. She gave this one to Lior who gladly held it up for the camera.
We brought the Boogy Board that Scott and Lisa gave us on our last vacation and Sydney decided to surf.

She has amazing balance.

I guess all the time she has spent at The Little Gym has paid off.
After we swam back to the beach the kids decided to build a sand castle, Lior's favorite activity. She just loves digging in the sand.
So does her father.
And this little crab who came to visit and did not want to go back into the water. The kids were very excited to see this crab, we had never seen one so close before.
Of course Akiva spent the day eating, he is good at it so why not?
I can not believe I finally got a picture of Jordan giving me attitude. She looks really pissed off and I can not for the life of me remember why. Even mad she looks cute!

I know that some day Sydney will be really mad at me for publishing this photo of her. She is absolutely stunning and this picture does not demonstrate this fact at all. It does illustrate how much Akiva looks like her.

Can you see the resemblance? Fortunately for him he looks much better soaking wet and wearing orange goggles.
As we were getting ready to go Sydney decided to cover herself in sand after we dug a small hole.

We had to dig a much bigger hole to fit Matt. The kids had fun covering him in sand a walking over him. He is such a good sport.
I decided he was missing something and added some big boobs and drew a Mermaid tale. He love The Little Mermaid so we turned him into his own girlfriend. Isn't he lucky?
Jordan, who does not usually participate in sandy activities got into the spirit and let us cover her as well.
We had a great day on the beach. Everyone loves vacation so much it is hard to say goodbye.
Akiva loves his grandma and posing for the camera.
My dad loves doing stuff with the kids and they love doing things with him.
She has amazing balance.
I guess all the time she has spent at The Little Gym has paid off.
I know that some day Sydney will be really mad at me for publishing this photo of her. She is absolutely stunning and this picture does not demonstrate this fact at all. It does illustrate how much Akiva looks like her.
Can you see the resemblance? Fortunately for him he looks much better soaking wet and wearing orange goggles.
We had to dig a much bigger hole to fit Matt. The kids had fun covering him in sand a walking over him. He is such a good sport.
Vacation day three- part two
After our last vacation I decided that I wanted to try and get more pictures of the kids on the beach. This time I charged the battery the second we got home from the beach. I was not going to have a dead battery this time. What I did not count on was the impending rain. It was going to storm any second, the sound of thunder was booming in our ears as I was trying to take these pictures.
As usual the kids we cooperative.
It probably did not help that Matt and I were screaming at them to hurry up and look at the camera between booming claps of thunder. Sydney was the only one who really cooperated with me.

She loves having her picture taken.

She is just stunning.

I have a lot of pictures of Lior with her eyes else where. Perhaps she was looking at the bolts of lighting over the Gulf or turning toward the booming thunder.

Jordan was busy telling me we needed to get off the beach because of "da thunda".

My attempts at a group shot. You decide which one is the best. At least they are all looking at me. Please take note of the sky, it was getting darker and louder by the second.

Lior looks like she has been hitting Matt's scotch.

This one is my favorite. They are a good looking bunch of kids, if I do say so myself!
I love this picture of Akiva and Sydney. I am sure he was screaming at the top of his lungs right after I took this picture because she was touching him.

I love this picture of Akiva. His eyes are just so blue.
I can get lost in those eyes. He really needs a haircut, I have never had a child with so much hair!
This photo is sweet as well. They were playing ring around the rosy while thunder clapped over our heads and the darkest skies you have ever seen rolled in.

This was the only picture I got of Lior where she was actually looking at the camera , she is just so beautiful.
As usual the kids we cooperative.
She loves having her picture taken.
She is just stunning.
I have a lot of pictures of Lior with her eyes else where. Perhaps she was looking at the bolts of lighting over the Gulf or turning toward the booming thunder.
Jordan was busy telling me we needed to get off the beach because of "da thunda".
My attempts at a group shot. You decide which one is the best. At least they are all looking at me. Please take note of the sky, it was getting darker and louder by the second.
Lior looks like she has been hitting Matt's scotch.
This one is my favorite. They are a good looking bunch of kids, if I do say so myself!
I love this picture of Akiva. His eyes are just so blue.
This was the only picture I got of Lior where she was actually looking at the camera , she is just so beautiful.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Vacation day two
We spent the second day of vacation on the beach. It was a very overcast day that looked like it would rain any second but I insisted we head for the beach and hope for the best. I think we stayed for hours because it never rained and it was not too hot.

The kids just love the beach, playing in the sand, the water and posing for pictures.

And in Akiva's case his favorite pass time is eating anything that is not nailed down. I don't know who has more fun; Akiva eating or my dad feeding him!

Finding Sand Dollars is a favorite distraction, almost as good as looking for treasure on the playground at school.

These two have fun sitting and eating while watching the sites.

Especially when the sites are as cute as little Lior's rear end sticking up!
Sydney started diving down for Sand Dollars on her own.

Akiva had a blast digging in the sand.
Our celebratory dinner was fantastic! Everyone had a great time and a fantastic meal.

The birthday girls and their Grandma.
It was the girls actual birthday so they had a candle in their ice cream sundae's.
Jordan was an honorary twin today and got to blow out her own candle. She could not have been more thrilled.

Everyone had a great time, even Akiva who had a hard time sitting through the meal.

Sydney really enjoyed dessert! She and Lior were feeding each other their ice cream. They can be so nice to each other sometimes. I love it!

After dinner we walked through an outside shopping area where I tried to get them all to sit for a picture. I am always very optimistic that I will get a good shot. In this one Sydney and Akiva are adorable.

In this one Sydney and Lior are actually looking at the camera.
And in this one Jordan is acting like a two year old who does not care how optimistic her mother is!
After a very long day our son passed out cold on his exhausted father who needed to sleep as much as his son did and Sydney who does not like to miss photo opportunities.
The kids just love the beach, playing in the sand, the water and posing for pictures.
And in Akiva's case his favorite pass time is eating anything that is not nailed down. I don't know who has more fun; Akiva eating or my dad feeding him!
Finding Sand Dollars is a favorite distraction, almost as good as looking for treasure on the playground at school.
These two have fun sitting and eating while watching the sites.
Especially when the sites are as cute as little Lior's rear end sticking up!
Akiva had a blast digging in the sand.
The birthday girls and their Grandma.
Everyone had a great time, even Akiva who had a hard time sitting through the meal.
Sydney really enjoyed dessert! She and Lior were feeding each other their ice cream. They can be so nice to each other sometimes. I love it!
After dinner we walked through an outside shopping area where I tried to get them all to sit for a picture. I am always very optimistic that I will get a good shot. In this one Sydney and Akiva are adorable.
In this one Sydney and Lior are actually looking at the camera.
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