The kids just love the beach, playing in the sand, the water and posing for pictures.
And in Akiva's case his favorite pass time is eating anything that is not nailed down. I don't know who has more fun; Akiva eating or my dad feeding him!
Finding Sand Dollars is a favorite distraction, almost as good as looking for treasure on the playground at school.
These two have fun sitting and eating while watching the sites.
Especially when the sites are as cute as little Lior's rear end sticking up!
Akiva had a blast digging in the sand.
The birthday girls and their Grandma.
Everyone had a great time, even Akiva who had a hard time sitting through the meal.
Sydney really enjoyed dessert! She and Lior were feeding each other their ice cream. They can be so nice to each other sometimes. I love it!
After dinner we walked through an outside shopping area where I tried to get them all to sit for a picture. I am always very optimistic that I will get a good shot. In this one Sydney and Akiva are adorable.
In this one Sydney and Lior are actually looking at the camera.
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