Sunday, January 18, 2009


Decisions, decisions, decisions. I actually made a few. We decided not to send the girls back to their school next year. There were several factors which impacted this decision, the first being the cost of the tuition for three children is just more than we can afford. The second and perhaps equally important is time. One of the requirements for the pre-school program is that it runs until three every day. That is six hours of school five days a week for four year old children. I think that is way too much time for little kids, who are not in a daycare situation, to be in school. I also know that this is the last time in their lives where we will not be tied to school, it is our last year of "freedom" and I plan on taking full advantage of it. They will still be attending a school, I'm just not sure which one. I plan on enrolling everyone in a bunch of different programs through the city like dance, tumbling and they even have classroom experiences for the kids at a tenth of the price. While the situation is not ideal we will make it work and if our financial situation changes dramatically, I will revisit this decision yet again.
Another decision that we made as a result of this change in school is the kosher decision. We have been trying to keep kosher since Danny moved here so his kids could eat whatever they wanted whenever they wanted. We have not been doing a great job but today we made a decision and we are sticking to it. We are going to switch the kitchen over and keep it kosher, especially because the kids will not be attending a Jewish school next year. Now more than ever it is important that they identify more with their religion.
We have many more decisions to make, I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

Michele S said...

I followed your comment on my blog, and I think you are right on the money on your decisions. I couldn't agree more with you on having four year olds in 5 day a week full-time preschool! Mine are in ballet/tap, gym, and karate through our city and it's been great. They are getting so much out of it, and we'd never have time for all that with full-time school! I think you are making a good move!