Poor Cyrus, he is really misunderstood. He has a reputation as a really dumb dog. He is not that smart but he is not as dumb as everyone thinks he is. He is really turning into a good dog and the girls are just wild about him.
We spend a large part of our day talking about the dogs, letting the dogs out and yelling at the dogs. We yell at the dogs a lot, they are usually in the way or snaching food from the girls, so we yell. We also insult them every chance we get because they smell. They smell because we do not bathe them on a regular basis, which is our fault, and something we could rectify if we had the time or the energy.
Because they smell the girls and I decided to rename Cyrus "Sir Cyrus the Smelly". While the name is unfortunate, it is true, but it is not his fault and it may not even be our fault. It appears that our dog has allergies which inflame his ears which creates a smell not to be believed. We took "sir Smelly" to the vet today and he took one look at our boy and said he is highly allergic, we are going to change his food, give him Claritin everyday, medicate his ears and give him antibiotics for the next ten days or so and hope it improves his very itchy condition.
As I explained to the vet, he better not be allergic to the kids because we are not getting rid of them. No matter how dopey and clumsy Cyrus is he is a good dog who loves our family and puts up with tons of abuse from those girls and keeps coming back for more. So "Sir Cyrus the Smelly" is here to stay.
1 comment:
Cyrus asked me to comment for him since he can't type:
"Dear Mom, please don't yell at me so much, give me a bath, & don't teach the kids to tease me. Woof."
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