Jordan is twenty two months today. She thinks she is thirty two months. Jordan is going through the terrible two's. She wants what she wants when she wants it and she always wants it now, I mean RIGHT NOW!! When she is not screaming because she has not gotten what she wants she is cute and sweet. She has a great sense of humor and is by far the silliest twenty two month old kid we have ever had!
Her language skills amaze me. She has been known to use six word utterances to request things or to tattle on her sisters. She is naming attributes ("I want the small one", "I want the pink one", "Yook Mommy big one", "I want the one with popa dots, peeese!", "Mommy button shirt"). She sings songs, right now the "Itsy Bitsy Spider" in both English and Hebrew are her favorites. She is also singing the alphabet when Sydney and Lior are singing it. She knows colors and uses them all the time to request things.
Her biggest pleasure, besides tormenting her sisters is playing with babies. Jordan can spend the whole day walking around our house with her purse on her shoulder pushing the stroller with her baby in it. Now it is never the same baby but she does have babies that she prefers more than others. When Sydney and Lior are at school Jordan likes to play with the babies they like. She walks over to me all the time and hands me babies and tells me who they belong to. She will stop playing with the babies long enough to put things in her purse and talk on her cell phone. I have found a lot of items we have been missing in the girls purses. She has been known to raid my wallet and load her newly found goods into her purse. Whenever I am missing money from my wallet I know who to look for.
Jordan is now telling me what she wants to wear every day if she has not already picked it out and put it on. Jordan dresses herself from top to bottom. She even puts on her socks, although she sometimes requires assistance. She puts on her shoes (on the correct feet!) and takes them off with ease. She uses a fork and tries to cut with a knife. She continues to amaze us at the gym where she is walking the balance beam with my finger on her elbow to make her feel more comfortable and to increase the difficulty of the skill. She is very strong and is almost doing pull ups.
Jordan is wonderful with Akiva and will often come running to tell me when he is crying. She is always bringing him one of his toys to play with, especially when he is upset.
As tough as Jordan is and she is tough, she has a heart of gold. She is always sharing what ever treat she has with her sisters or with me. When Sydney is crying Jordan will always bring her the toy she wants or get her something to make her feel better.
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