Danny and Tanya have moved to Florida. They thought they found a house and moved in and then the house was sold. They have a years lease so they have a place to live but the people who bought the house really want to live there and asked Dan and Tanya to move. It is not as bad as it sounds as the people have two other homes, one more beautiful than the next for them to move into. The house they chose does not have a pool in the backyard, it is less than fifty feet away and is shared by the community. Good enough for us because it is better than what we have.
So while Uncle Danny and Aunt Tanya have this fantastic "vacation" house with a pool and no furniture, we are going to use it as much and as often as possible while they have it. The pool is a lot of fun. The hot tub is the perfect height for the girls to jump off and into the water. Sydney was the first to try it on Sunday and her sisters followed right after her.
It looks like the girls do not need their father to throw them up in the air anymore, they can jump off the hot tub all by themselves. Maybe it is a good thing they are moving!
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