Monday, February 16, 2009


My life has been hijacked by the auction at the girls school. I eat sleep and drink this auction. I will be glad when it is over and I can focus on my family again and updating my blog! There are so many wonderful things that I have neglected to blog about. It is just not like me, so I am going to do my best tonight and try very hard to keep up from now on.
There was another trip to Lion Country Safari where the girls rode the train by themselves nonstop for ten minutes.Lior allowed me to hold her while I fed the giraffe,

and then she allowed me to get close enough for her to get a close-up of that purple tongue.

Sydney loves every minute of feeding those giraffe's, she has no fear. There are no pictures of Jordan anywhere near a giraffe, she wants no part of them.

Akiva loved riding the "caraself". I do not think it was his first time but it was the first time I remember him squealing with delight.

The girls went on a paddle boat with Matt. They were so excited and very cute.
Poor Sydney, her life jacket was too big and she could barely move when she sat down. I was terrified she was going to fall into the lake.

They were climbing all over that boat while Matt was paddling around.

Another milestone! The girls were able to ride without a parent, for the very first time. They were so proud of themselves.

Jordan was happy to hitch a ride with dad.

We had a great day at the end of January and I am just getting around to it today!

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