No birthday would be complete in this house without cake. Everyone gets a cake on their birthday- even if your cake falls on the third day of passover! I tried a flourless chocolate cake for Akiva's birthday tonight and it wasn't half bad!

Of course I got caught up in decorating it and dinner was delayed but that is what happens when your mother is a nut job!
Singing Happy Birthday to him was a real treat because he was so excited, it was like he knew we were all singing to him!

His sisters were a real help blowing out the candles.

When Akiva showed absolutely no interest in his cake and actually spit out his piece. I placed a small blob of whipped cream in front of him. He was far more interested in the can. Right now he is simply daring me to spray that can in his mouth. You can see it written all over his face!

"Go ahead, I dare you mom! Put it on my head!"

"SHE PUT IT ON MY HEAD!!" My mother is a nut job!!!

"I CAN NOT BELIEVE SHE PUT WHIPPED CREAM ON MY HEAD!!" My mother is so embarrassing!

"Talk to the hand!"

Happy First Birthday Akiva!
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