Princess Jordan Toes has found a potty that pleases her. Hooray for Princess Jordan Toes, she is now wearing pantalettes a.k.a "panties" as beautiful as the other princesses in the kingdom! She does not need a pink potty, a polka-dot potty, or one that glows in the dark- any potty will do.
Can you tell that we have spent the last week reading The Princess and the Potty by Wendy Lewison? Well it worked because on Wednesday Jordan was not peeing on the potty and on Friday she was diaper-less at the gym. On Saturday we were outside all day and Jordan was going inside by herself and using the potty. Jordan potty trained herself in a day. Way to go Jordan!
Needless to say we have spent the weekend cheering for Jordan and spoiling her endlessly. Yesterday my dad took her to Target and bought her the treat he had been promising her. It is a good thing Jordan is as generous as she is because her siblings each got a treat as well. Everyone got ice cream last night and a trip to their community pool today. Hail Princess Jordan and goodbye diapers!
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