I thought I was done with Monday updates but since I have not posted in over a week there is a lot to catch up on. Our newest family member has had a lot happen to him in the first twelve days of his life. He went to the doctor last Wednesday and we discovered that he gained one ounce since he came home from the hospital and since that day I have been trying very hard to get him to eat without sleeping through the feedings. It appears that all of my hard work and lack of sleep has paid off and
Akiva gained eight ounces in the last five days which means he is almost back at his birth weight.
On Thursday we had
Akiva's bris which was more stressful than you can imagine.
Akiva was a real trooper and really did not cry, maybe that is because they gave him enough wine to numb any pain...

I think Matt could have used some of the wine I drank because he almost passed out during the "procedure". Even the girls seemed bothered by it because they wanted their daddy and daddy was too busy to hold them but because they were so high maintenance it distracted me and allowed me to stay in the room during the entire

Changing his diaper became an adventure, who ever said that boys were easier to change than girls? They lied!

Jordan is amazing and using longer utterances every day. I am constantly amazed by her expressive vocabulary which seems to be growing everyday. She started to name colors (pink and green) and was able to point to and name circles in a book. We have had a friend come every day since I have come home from the hospital to help me take care of the girls and Jordan is in love with her. I think she has enjoyed the time she spends with Julie when she wakes up from her nap early. Julie puts a pony tail in her hair and Jordan is just thrilled to have it.

She still loves the baby and stops playing to run and kiss her baby. She has taken to calling her baby "Ice cream" which she thinks is a riot because she knows that the babies name is
Sydney and
Lior are also in love with Julie and do not seem to mind when I have to leave the house for a doctors appointment. When Julie puts their hair in a pony tail they manage to leave it in for more than thirty seconds, especially when she puts fresh flowers in their hair.

Over the weekend we took the girls to Gumbo Limbo and one of the nature walks we always go to.

The girls loved seeing the sea turtles at Gumbo Limbo and having a picnic in a nearby park where they got to feed the fish the food they did not eat.
Akiva did very well experiencing the Florida heat and our weekend excursions.
Matt and I are completely
exhausted chasing after three big kids and keeping up with one very mellow newborn. At least I am getting a much needed nap every afternoon which makes me love Julie too and she does not even put my hair in a pony tail! I wish Matt could get a nap every day but now that we do not need to put antibiotic cream on
Akiva every time we change his diaper maybe Matt can get a full nights sleep.