As we all know I hate Wednesdays because of the cleaning lady and the Little Gym. Having to be out all day with four kids, under three by myself is not an easy task, especially when one of my two and a half year olds has a major attitude.

Lior has decided that she can yell at me whenever she does not like what I have to say. She also does not like when she gets put in time out for not listening or hitting Sydney. We wound up leaving the playground because Lior threw her sippy cup in the dirt and refused to pick it up. She was really surprised when I told her we were leaving and stood up to walk away. It was time to leave anyway, everyone needed a nap and I needed air conditioning.
The day actually went really well, even with Lior's melt down at the end. Jordan continues to amaze me with her gross motor skills. She tries her hardest to keep up with the big girls and tries everything they do.

There was a sixteen month old on the playground with her mother and she was following the little girl around ready to catch her at a moments notice. She asked me how old Jordan was and was shocked when I told her that she was only a month older or maybe she was shocked because I was not following Jordan around and allowing her to hang from bars well above her head. She even went down the "bumpy slide" without any help.

Sydney had a great time at the park and at the gym but fell apart the second we hit the car to go home. She told me that her belly hurt and she pretty much cried the entire way home. She continued to cry after she slept for twenty minutes and while she ate her Oreos. She cried when she did not get to pick the movie we watched and she cried when she got to watch something she liked. She cried whenever I looked at her funny or said two words to her. She cried every time Jordan touched a toy or her. Sydney cried and wound up not eating her dinner because she did not feel well. She looked like she did not feel well and I hope that she feels better tomorrow because when Sydney does not feel well the people around her know about it.

Akiva made his first appearance at the playground today. He really just lounged in the stroller while the girls played. He was even great in the gym where he hung out in the B'jorn while I chased the girls around the gym. The poor kid had some really bad gas today and after dinner he was arching his back so badly I thought he was going to touch the back of his head with his heels. Every time I moved him he cried, I felt so bad I wanted to cry. His little body was so rigid I could not bend him so I put him on his belly and gave him some gas medicine and tried to help him let some of it out. Hopefully, he feels better because he is far too little to be so pitiful!
Now that we are back on our schedule and the girls are getting to sleep at a reasonable hour, maybe I will have more time to blog and post pictures...
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