We took the kids bowling for the first time today. Not only was it their first time but mine as well. I bowled three strikes and I had no clue what I was doing. We tried to take all the kids bowling on Thursday but there were no available lanes. When I told the girls that we could not bowl Sydney started to get upset. "I want dose people to share wit me!" "I want to bowl today, dose people not bein' nice, dey need to share!" It worked out well for me because Matt was able to join us today. He is really great with the girls and helped them each and every turn. Bowling with kids as little as ours is not a sport that they can be completely independent at. Since Akiva needs to eat every five minutes having Matt with us was a huge relief for me (and my feet!).
The girls had a blast. Jordan took a few turns to warm up but once she got the hang of it she was Miss independence.
Sydney really got into it and liked watching her balls roll down the lane.
Lior had a great time rolling the ball down the ramp and picking the balls up from the return.
Adina had a great day bowling and beat everyone the first game after she got two strikes in a row.
No'am was very patient and had a good time making sure all the balls were ready for the girls when it was their turn.
Everyone had a great time and we stayed cool in this Florida heat.
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