I went to the doctors office twice today. Can you believe I planned it that way?

Akiva went in the morning for a nurse visit. He needed to get some shots, which I hate! They weighed him and he weighs eleven pounds and fourteen ounces. I could have sworn he weighed more than that. He has grown so much, I cannot believe it! He is smiling and laughing all of the time. I can really get caught up staring at him and talking with him. He sleeps like a champ. With all the chaos, he still wants to eat his final meal for the day at nine and sleeps through the night. He typically wakes up between seven and eight in the morning. You can not beat that.
The big girls were my second trip to the doctor today. I kept them home from camp today to spend time with their Uncle Eric and we started the day at Lion Country Safari and ended at the doctors office. They had a blast feeding the giraffes and the goats. The cousins were not as brave as our fearless Sydney who did not want to stop feeding the giraffes. I think Liel will eventually warm up to the purple tongued giraffe but in the mean time we will just laugh at her.

Uncle Danny fed the giraffe although he was a little squeamish at first.

Eric fed the giraffes and loved every minute of it.

We made a stop to feed the Lorries where they landed on several heads, I was very proud of Tanya when the bird landed on her head because she did not pass out.

Adina was very brave and fed the birds without screaming or freaking out.

Sydney asked me if she could touch the bird and when I told her she could her eyes lit up and she did it. Eitan even held a bird.

Lior and Jordan enjoyed getting close up to the birds.

Sydney's bravery continued at the doctors office where she was thrilled to pee in a cup, stand on the scale and have her temperature taken orally. At two years eleven months Sydney weighs twenty seven pounds and is thirty four and a half inches tall and she will be the first to tell you that she did not cry at all. She will also tell you that when they pricked her finger it "hurt terribly."

Lior, at two years eleven months weighs twenty eight pounds and is exactly three feet. She continues to be one pound and at least an inch taller than Sydney. She helped Sydney by going first to show her that it was not scary and when she flat out refused Sydney stepped up to the plate to help her. She was not as happy when they pricked her finger and was mad at the "Doctor nurse" who gave her a boo-boo. They got a clean bill of health and are ready to start school in the fall.
That is right, Debbie the procrastinator brought her children to the doctor before she absolutely had to! Are you impressed? Well you should not be, we are getting ready to change health insurance and I am just being cheap. Maybe I can get Jordan in before we switch...

Jordan was ready to get examined today along with the big girls. She took off her dress and climbed up on to the table to be checked out along with her sisters. I wonder if she will be as eager when it is her turn? She is really ready to be a big kid, on Saturday she peed on the potty for Matt. He was changing her diaper and she kept pointing to her bottom saying "pee potty" so Matt took her and after a long wait she actually peed on the potty! She went again today when Liel was baby sitting her. Maybe she will be fully trained by her second birthday. A girl can dream!
Liel came with me to the big girls appointment today and she earned her money! Jordan was all over the place. That child is wild! If Liel was not with us she would have been strapped into the stroller the entire time screaming her little head off.
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