"How do you do it?" I hear that all the time. I have a very easy answer to that question. Swaddling, we swaddled each and everyone of our children for as long as we could because it allows them to get sleep. When the big girls were in the NICU they taught us how to swaddle the babies and we never looked back. We discovered that the girls were able to sleep for longer stretches because they were not waking themselves up with flailing arms and legs. So far all four kids have started to sleep through the night at around six weeks and I attribute that to swaddling. When I explain this to people who ask me how I do it they look at me like I have two heads. Yes, swaddling is the answer to all your problems, trust me. I know you think your kid does not like it because they are always trying to break free but they really do like it. Not to sound cold or harsh but who cares if they like it as long as they are getting some sleep! Eventually the arm and leg flailing will decrease and swaddling will not be as important but just think about all the sleep you will be getting as your child's nervous system is maturing!
Every time we put the baby to sleep these days I hear Liel tell us how mean we are for tying him up to go to bed. I try to explain my swaddling philosophy to her and she just does not get it. I promised her she would understand it better after she had her first baby and was completely sleep deprived. Trust me swaddling is the answer to "How do you do it?" Now if someone would just swaddle me!
1 comment:
You got it. I will wrap you up in a nice warm blanket tonight. Think of all the room I'll have on the bed.
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