Today was the first day of swimming lessons for all three girls. They are very brave! The big girls decided that Jordan was going first.

Nothing like throwing the poor kid to the wolves! Poor Jordan cried for the first fifteen minutes at least but managed to swim under water a little, kick her feet a little, and monkey crawl along the wall to get out.

Not bad for the first day. She actually made the instructor laugh several times. She was telling Jordan to kick her feet while she was under water and when she came out from under the water she told her to kick again, Jordan looked at her and said "I don't want to!" Needless to say she wound up doing it but she did not want to.
When Jordan was first in the water the girls were pleading with me, begging me, with big puppy dog eyes "Mommy, I don't want to do it", "Please mommy no" Big tears were falling out of
Lior's eyes, she was really scared. I started to feel guilty and then they found Miss Nancy's toys and all of a sudden they wanted nothing to do with me. They spent Jordan's thirty minute lesson playing with the toys and cheering on Jordan. Sydney was putting her face in the water, kicking her feet and having a great time. When Jordan's lesson was over Sydney was eager to start swimming and she was amazing.

By the end of her lesson she was swimming across the pool while kicking her feet, monkey crawling along the wall and starting to use her arms to swim all with a huge smile.

Towards the end of Sydney's lesson
Lior started to clean up the toys in hope that she would not have to go swimming. She was sadly mistaken. Poor
Lior was really scared and panicking. Miss Nancy said that
Lior was the only one of the girls who had fear of the water. They are working through it and by the end of the lesson
Lior was no longer screaming and was keeping her mouth closed when she went under water.

She was also able to put her eyes under while she was swimming to the wall. She monkey crawled along the wall.

She continued to cry but she was not as panicked by the end. I hope she has an easier time tomorrow although no one is looking forward to the lessons.

Maybe they will look forward to playing with
Liel in the pool after
their lesson?
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