It is so chilly in fact that my husband was inspired to take the girls camping tonight! He did not go far, they are sleeping in the backyard but they are camping out in a tent complete with sleeping bags and flashlights.
We started off the evening with our usual Friday night Shabbot dinner but instead of heading off to the bathtub after dinner we headed off to the backyard where we searched for firewood,
After our very sticky campfire the girls came inside to get into their very cozy PJ's,
and because I like my bed and my pillows I did not disagree. If truth be told it is probably warmer in the tent than in our bedroom so Matt must be very comfortable right now.
After about ten books, the troops came in for a potty break and Jordan came in for good. Our little Minnie likes her Minnie bed. I think she was having a hard time calming down, maybe next time and I think there will be a next time!
Meanwhile everyone is sound asleep and I am enjoying some peace and quite, until someone needs to come inside to pee.
This is the cuuutest camping trip!
It was so much fun. I am glad Debbie sat with Jordan on the second night. I hope next time will be just as much fun. Maybe I will take them to a camp ground in the new year.
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