I guess my new hobby is not so new, I have been doing it for years. Mow I am just talking about it because I am getting good at it. What can it be? I am obsessed with coupons and sales. I am not a shopper who buys anything full price. I buy things on sale and I try not to buy things we do not need. Now that money is tighter than it has been I have trying to save money on food and household supplies.

Most people look at our tower of Cheerios and think "these people are nuts and have a lifetime supply of Cheerios". I look at that tower and my heart beats a little faster because I paid two dollars a box for them. That is right, you heard me, two dollars a box. By combining coupons and buying a lot of cereal I saved almost twenty dollars on the cereal that I would prefer my family eat. When we were walking around the store with our cart full of cereal we got several strange looks. Matt found himself explaining "we go through a lot of cereal" to everyone who looked at him funny. Normally I only buy diapers in this volume but I could not pass it up. Just today I saved us over sixty dollars in coupons alone.
On a typical food shopping trip I save at least twenty five percent by using coupons and taking advantage of the buy one get one free deals. I stock up on everyday items like canned tomatoes, pasta sauce, pasta, and bread when they are buy one get one free. I also plan our weekly meals based on what is on sale. I have decided to reduce the amount of meat in our daily diets and focus more on fresh fruit and vegetables. Since we have decided to keep kosher, we are not buying organic meat and I want to make sure the kids are not ingesting meat or chicken with hormones. We are eating chicken about once a week, which is saving us a lot of money on the grocery bill.
So my new hobby has me clipping coupons and using them and my kids eating healthier. I love my new hobby!
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