Today my baby Sydney was goofing off in Akiva's room and fell. She fell hard, Matt said he just saw her fall backwards off the bed and land flat on her back. I heard the thud, a very loud thud but I did not hear much else, it was eerily quiet upstairs and after the thud I heard, I expected a lot of noise. I heard Matt say "breathe Sydney, breathe!" and I heard nothing from Sydney. By the time I got upstairs Matt was blowing in her face and shaking her and still nothing. She was good and winded. I was about to run next door to get our neighbor when Matt layed her down on the floor and she started passing some air. She never cried, we did.
She ate some breakfast and went and layed in my bed. I just thought she wanted to stay home from school so we made her get dressed and go. We warned her teacher, who must have thought we were being a little over protective, to look for any weird behavior or vomiting. I was working at the school so I was going to check on her every once and awhile so we felt comfortable leaving her. I was just finishing up with my first client when her teacher came in to tell me that Sydney threw-up. I called Matt, who was on his way to work and he turned around and came home. We changed her clothes and Matt threw her into the car; straight to urgent care. I went back to work.
Matt said she was very brave at the doctors office because lets face it who likes to go there? She threw-up a few more times at the office which got them seen right away. They diagnosed her with a mild concussion at that point and sent her to an imaging center for a CAT scan. It was a good thing they sent her with a container to throw up into because she needed it. She threw up again at the imaging center, which once again got them pushed to the head of the line. The CAT scan was clear and by the time the process was over Sydney felt better.
When I got to the imaging center Sydney was excited to tell me all about her trip through the big camera so that the doctor could look at her head. Matt said she was excellent and he was able to stay in the room with her and hold her hand. He even sang her a song (the poor technician!). When I asked her what song he sang, expecting a song she sings all the time she said he sang her "I Want to Hold Your Hand". Isn't that cute?
Needless to say Sydney is fine. She had to remain calm for the rest of the day, which was not easy for me. I had her lay down and let Jordan examine her, which worked for a little bit. Our Sydney is certainly a spit fire. A risk taker. I do not think she will be jumping on Akiva's bed for some time. She told me that she does not want to go for a ride in that camera again.
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