We have been celebrating Purim for what seems like weeks but in reality has only been two days. We had a Purim parade at school yesterday where our little monkeys dressed as animals. Lior made it to school in her costume but ripped it off the second we got there.

Jordan, our little monkey, dressed as a monkey!

She could not have picked a better costume. Sydney decided to be a dog but refused to put on the hood so she was an earless dog but cute none the less!

Last night they were princesses, beautiful princesses, unfortunately I could not get a picture of the four of them together. Lior decided that she did not want to pose with the other princesses. It must be nice to be three!

You can not tell by looking at her but I spent time doing her hair, just the way she wanted and even put make up on her but she was not happy about having to share her charriot with the other princesses. Even Mickey Mouse was disappointed to be blocked by such a beautiful princess.

These princesses did not mind sharing the spot light with Mickey Mouse. They were more than happy to walk to shul to hear the Megillah reading and scream when they heard Haman's name.
We went to another Purim party today. Sydney shocked me and went as the Little Mermaid and Jordan went as Minnie Mouse but I did not take a single picture!
The kids had a great time this Purim and so did we!
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