Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I love Tuesday's. I think Tuesday's are my favorite day of the week, everyone is home and we have no plans. Today was no exception. We all slept in today and cuddled in bed until Sydney forced us out of bed! I can not tell you how excited the girls were when they found out that it was a "mommy day" and they did not have to go to school. They decided that they wanted to go outside to paint. I think Akiva had the best time. He was covered from head to toe.
Lior had a great time today and actually painted something! It is a picture of Disney World complete with Cinderella's castle and fireworks. She is very creative!
The girls made an amazing discovery today, they tried painting with a flower.
Jordan was the first to try it and as soon as she put the paint on the paper she said "It looks like fireworks!" it really does. She is just so smart. Lior was the next to try and wound up writing her name. Sydney decided that she would incorporate her flower into her painting, brilliant!
The fun did not end there! We decided to wash the water table out and it turned into something completely different. Lior was having the best time playing with the hose. She sprayed everyone and everything she could. At one one point she even promised me that I could walk by and she would not spray me and that wise guy soaked me! She really had a great time. Akiva did also when he woke up from his nap. He even got a sponge bath from his sisters. Jordan also got a sponge bath. For some reason Sydney had a blast cleaning everything today. I wish she would clean our house as well as she cleaned the toys today.

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