Sunday, March 29, 2009


We went to Lion Country Safari yesterday and ate lunch in front of this water slide. Doesn't it look like fun? We watched a few kids go down this slide and it just looked like so much fun. When lunch was over, Matt decided that he was going to do it. It was great, the kids were watching and laughing. Matt thought it was a blast. I did not get the picture I wanted so I made him do it again. He really caught some air the second time around! It still looked like fun at this point too! Until Matt got off and was limping and holding his shoulder. Apparently if you are about thirty six inches tall it is not a big deal to go down the slide more than once. If you are closer to thirty six years than you are to thirty six inches high going down the slide a second time is a really bad idea.The poor guy has been limping ever since. It sucks getting old!

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