Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Level II

I went for my level II ultra-sound today. The ultra-sound is very lengthy and it measures the anatomy of the baby. A few minutes into the scan, Matt turned to me and said something like "holy shit we are having another baby!" I am about eighteen weeks pregnant and he is just now realizing I am pregnant. I think it is hitting us both slowly because we are so busy chasing after the three we have running and climbing all over our house.
During this ultra-sound they scan everything and we still do not know the sex of the baby! It really takes some great restraint to tell them that we don't want to know what sex the baby is and then follow through with request. This is especially difficult after she has told us to look away from the screen because she needs to check "down there". For a brief moment I had an overwhelming urge to ask her if we were having another girl, but I controlled myself and the urge passed.
From what we can tell and from what little information the doctor gave us the baby looks good and there is nothing wrong. I believe the doctor told me that at least three times because I have to go back in a few weeks so they can re-scan the babies heart and I think he thought we were a little worried. I remember having to go back after the twins level II because they could not get a good view of one of one of the girls heart and it was nothing. I will get another ultra-sound out of it so I don't mind going back.
Where are the pictures of our newest offspring, you ask? Well blame Matt that they are not being posted. I only reminded him about a half a dozen times to scan the picture at work and send it to me. Guess what? He remembered to scan the pictures but forgot to send them to me, so I will have to post them when he gets around to sending them to me. Thanks Matt!

1 comment:

Julia said...

I have to delurk and say "Congratulations" I had no idea that you were expecting!!

You rock, girl!! I have 3 under 2 for just a couple more weeks, and then the twins will be 3 and the baby 1 within just 4 days. I seriously don't know how you do it!! You totally rock my world!!!

I enjoy reading your blog!!