Matt felt very guilty after her read my post today and sent me the scan immediately. Now that I have figured out how to post it, they look really small and blurry (if you click on the picture you can have a larger view). No wonder I have to go back for another scan in a few weeks! The bottom two photos are great views of the skull and spine. You can see the eye sockets, the nose, and a cute little mouth. The spine is also fully visible. Matt and I have had a lot of practice in the last few years looking at these blurry pictures, we think can often make out the images and people look at us like we have two heads because they think it looks like a blob. I can't wait for the next scan because the baby will be that much bigger and we should be able to see a lot more.
I took Jordan to the gym this morning while the big girls were in school, we had a great-great time! She is truly amazing! She climbs everything and anything she can and when she gets to the top she turns her little body around and climbs down safely. When they were practicing the skill of the week, which involved grabbing the bar with both hands so that the kids were doing wheel barrels with bar. Jordan took it a step further and started to move her legs upright into a hand stand, which according to the instructor was "amazing". Apparently she has really strong stomach and back muscles. This thrills me and scares me both at the same time. She already climbs everything in our house with ease, what is next? Both Matt and I are clumsy individuals, with little to no coordination, how did we create three little girls with outstanding gross and fine motor skills????
1 comment:
Debbie, you scared me with that plural in your title! I thought you meant twins again!
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