Thursday, December 6, 2007

And it continues

Sydney went to school all by herself this morning. Lior still had a fever so she could not go to school. Sydney was not thrilled with the idea and tried every trick in the book to convince me that she was sick. "My tummy hurt", "I sick", "I not feel good". I reassured her that she was fine and told her what a big girl she was for going to school by herself. She was still not convinced until she found out she could take her new baby to school to show Morah Leslie. She just about dragged me to school and she had a great day!
Lior also had a good morning. She helped Daddy return the bounce house from Jordan's birthday party and buy donuts. What could be bad? She picked out pink, red and green donuts for her and her sisters. You would not be able to tell she was sick with the way she was running around but she was and when we came home from picking Sydney up she was done. She fell asleep about twenty minutes after I gave her medicine and slept for almost three hours. While she was sleeping I took her temperature and it was a hundred and three, again. I called the doctor for an appointment and we ran in. Matt ran home and picked up Sydney and Jordan and took them back to work. Lior sat on our steps and refused to leave the house "I not going!, I not leabin dis house". She went and we found out that she has a double ear infection. Hopefully she will be feeling better soon because she is not this very minute, she is lying in our bed because she woke up screaming about forty minutes ago.
The nurse gave her a prescription for something but we are going to wait and see if she needs it. If she still has a fever on Saturday we will start the antibiotics. The new course of action for ear infections. I hope we can get away without the medicine because I don't like giving it to them.

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