Today we visited a new nature boardwalk that was not as kid friendly as our usual haunts.

The kids had a great time but Matt and I were complete wrecks trying to keep all hands and feet on the boardwalk and not dangling off the side while the unknown lurked below. Sydney decided that she wanted, no needed, to see an alligator today and was not going to move until we saw one.

After convincing her that there would be an alligator at the end of the boardwalk we walked and searched for anything that looked remotely like an alligator. Just as we were about to give up, I spotted a small alligator and pointed it out to our excited two year-olds who were saying "chomp- chomp". Our excited one year old decided to take that opportunity to throw her sippy cup out of the wagon (again) and Matt and I watched the cup roll into the water. Apparently we were not the only ones who were watching that cup hit the water because that alligator started moving towards the cup. The kids were thrilled because they got to see the alligator move and Matt and I were less than thrilled because he was moving towards us! Needless to say, Matt lost the argument when he suggested he go in for the cup. Lior even asked him not to go in "No Daddy, you not go in der." So one more sippy cup goes MIA.
We came home and introduced the kids to Play-dough where Matt immediately taught the girls to stick it in their noses and say "eeww BOOGERS!" I was busy showing the girls how to roll it out with two hands and make shapes, Bad Daddy!

We had Matt's favorite for dinner... BURGERS! It was the first time the girls wanted and ate burgers for dinner. Sydney is just like her Daddy, she loves a good burger.

Lior is more like her mom. She likes all the other stuff that goes along with a burger, especially the ketchup!
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