Sunday, December 23, 2007


Every year I bake tons of cookies and send them to our friends and family. Apparently I did it last year when Jordan was about a month old. For some reason I have not gotten my rear in gear and not one single cookie cookie has been baked, until today. Today we baked. We did not bake our usual amount of cookies, I baked one batch of sugar cookies for the girls to play with. I had plenty of help sifting the flour, pouring and beating.
The girls were having so much fun I had Matt get them their own bowls so they could put their hands in the flour without contaminating the whole recipe. More of it wound up on the floor and on their heads.

After dinner they got the chance to frost, decorate and eat their cookies. Yummy!!!!

We are not sending any of our delicious cookies out this year- sorry. Those who are coming to visit will have lots of treats while you are here but I am going to play the pregnancy card and take the year off.

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