Lior opened up the giraffe and thought it was fantastic the first time it walked by her but the second time it passed by I thought her head would pop off.
We sent the giraffe down towards Jordan who was very happy until this giraffe came close and she started to scream.
The elephant was not allowed out of the box because Sydney started to scream every time we went to take it out. Kaya looked at it walk toward her on the bed but the elephant kept tripping on its snout and Kaya just went back to sleep. Cyrus was funny when we put it on the floor he walked backwards every time the elephant moved towards him. When it stopped he would crane his head and try to sniff at it, he is such a big chicken!
We got some great gifts from the family including a fantastic menorah made dreidels from my niece Adina. Each dreidel has a picture of a member of our family, including a question mark for the new baby! I intended to take a picture of it and post it but I am just not that organized! Adina is so talented, she always makes the best gifts for us. When they came over this summer she made these wonderful fish for the girls. The trip before that one she made the big girls t-shirts that created one picture when you put them together. I was very sad when they outgrew those shirts! I can't wait to see what she has in store for us on her next visit. Thank you Adina!
Thank you for the wonderful gifts, even though the girls are terrified of their new toys I am sure they will enjoy them when we remove the batteries.
1 comment:
Now you can threaten your children;
"If you dont behave, Aunt Tanya will send you more gifts!"
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