One day last week we received a letter from our preschool informing us that they would not be having summer school. I was sad, I was beyond sad and began racking my brain for possible activities for the girls over the summer that would not require me to follow them around. I thought that I would sign them up for swimming lessons, maybe a cooking class and the little gym but all of those things require one hundred percent of my attention. With a new baby and Jordan to watch in addition to the big girls I was in a state of panic. Well not quite panic but I was really concerned that the kids would be stuck in front of the television all day while I nursed the baby and broke up fights.
I called my brother Danny and asked that he send me his oldest daughter for the summer so that I could have an extra pair of hands. He agreed to give me Liel for the summer but also tried to give us his youngest son, Noam. Chances are not good that we will take Noam as he still needs help and parental supervision. I need the kind of help that can go see a PG-13 movie and asks me to get her into a movie that would make her parents angry. Matt and I are very excited that Liel will be spending some extra time with us this summer, we really enjoyed her visit last summer and can't wait to spend time with her again.
Imagine how excited I was when the school called me on Friday to let me know that there were other parents who were upset about the lack of summer school and there would be a meeting today to discuss it. If there are at least ten kids interested in camp they will have a program for the kids. The program will be five days a week from nine to three which is more than I wanted to send them for but now they will have a safe place to go where they can play with other kids their age. So keep your fingers crossed that there will be plenty of interest and that Lior and Sydney will have a great time this summer.
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