Just when we were getting back on schedule it happened, lice and the schedule flew out of the window. The girls were sent home from school on Thursday because Lior had two nits on her head and they found one on Sydney. I know kids get it but why mine? Why now?
We stripped all the beds and boiled the sheets, stuffed animals and blankets. I am still trying to do laundry, fold it and put it away. The mound of bedding and animals was higher than my dryer. If I were washing all of our clothes as well I would have to do laundry every hour on the hour for the next week. Thank goodness my mom is washing all of our clothes right now.
We treated the girls hair Thursday night with Julie's help because I can not touch the shampoo. The initial application of shampoo caused some minor trauma but I was able to bribe the girls with M&M's and jelly beans to sit still and watch a movie while the shampoo sat on their heads. Washing out the shampoo was another story. Lior screamed.
Sydney screamed.
Jordan was completely overwhelmed by the entire situation and extremely grateful that she was able to sit and eat her M&M's because she is too young to have her hair treated.
1 comment:
Oh, the joy of childhood. This too shall pass.
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