My niece Liel and I have been spending a lot of time together lately. It has been WONDERFUL. I really enjoy her company, she has a great sense of humor and she lets me tease her all day without getting mad. She has spent time sitting in the car while the girls sleep so that I could run into the store and took them to the gym with me when Matt could not go.
The other day she told me that she read my ENTIRE blog and wanted to know why I did not mention her. So now I am writing about my LIELIE SMELLY BELLY and ONLY my Lielie Smelly Belly.
Liel is very helpful with the girls and when her nose is not in a book or when she has not been sucked into the television, she is very attentive to the girls and plays nicely with them. The other day when we were at the gym Liel LOST Sydney because she was reading either an Archie or Jughead comic book. I found Sydney almost immediately but my heart was in my throat and I told her I was going take the book and beat her with it if we could not find Sydney. It is funny my mom nearly had a heart attack yesterday when Liel's brother Eitan brought Sydney to me in the mall and did not tell my mom. I think my brothers kids are trying to kill us!
Liel is an extremely talented singer, song writer and musician, too bad she will not sing "IF YOU ARE HAPPY AND YOU KNOW IT" for me. I think she wants me to beg her but I think I will withhold food this weekend to see if I can break her.
I can not tell you how sad I am that she is going home with the rest of her family on Sunday. Not only will I miss her and her endless stories about debate camp, I will also miss the help changing poopy diapers. Her sister Adina has also been a tremendous help, she loves to play with the girls and tries to keep them busy while I work around the house.
Adina was a HUGE help while I was decorating the girls birthday cake. She tried to keep the girls occupied, which is not an easy task, especially when they are out of baby jail.
Adina is also very talented. She is an amazing artist. Last summer she made shirts for the girls. The shirts were great because each shirt was half a picture and when the girls stood next to each other the picture was complete. This year she created a pattern and sewed stuffed fish for the big girls and a heart for Jordan. Each creation had pictures of the girls on it. Just fantastic.
Their brother Eitan is also very helpful and the girls love him also.
It is funny the girls just love my four year-old nephew No'am.
With Dan's family leaving on Sunday I find myself sad because I will miss being able to run into a convenience store for apple juice when Sydney is screaming for a "juice bock" or a cup of coffee when I am ready to pass out. I will miss having other people chase my kids around a store or around the backyard. What I will not miss is the noise generated by four active and bright children. Right now I am very comfortable with the amount of noise generated from my girls. I guess I will ease into the noise of teenagers.
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