The second day of school has come and gone. Lior once again had a fantastic day at school. Sydney did not. The goodbye did not go well, it took too long and was not well executed. The teacher announced that they were going outside and I told Sydney that I was leaving and she grabbed on and would not let go! I did not get any help distracting her or help taking her off of me. I managed to get out of the door but not as smoothly as I would have liked, for Sydney's sake. She managed to get through the day, as long as she was carried around by the assistant in the room.
The director of the school called me and asked me to pick Sydney up early and we came up with a drop off plan for Thursday. When I arrived to pick her up she was eating lunch and was doing well so I picked her up with the other kids. When I asked her if she had fun she said "YES" in a big happy voice. Yet when I ask her if she is going back to school on Thursday she shakes her head and says "NO!!"
It will take Sydney lots of time to get used to being away from me but she will get there!
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