There have been several firsts today alone which deserve a little recognition. First and foremost Sydney peed in the potty! That poor child sits and sits and nothing happens, until today when she was finally successful! You should have seen the look of determination on her face, she was ready to do something and she was not leaving until she got some action. She was pushing so hard I thought it was going to be something else but when she finally peed there was a look of sheer joy that passed over her face. We were all so excited, Lior came running over to give her a BIG hug and a kiss! Now I hope she continues to use the potty on a regular basis.
Lior has been very successful on the potty and tomorrow we are stripping off the diaper and toilet training with some gusto. I hope she is ready because I am ready to reduce our diaper bill. I am sure once Sydney sees Lior using the toilet all of the time, she will be ready to rip off her diaper and start peeing on the potty all the time!
Jordan is not ready for toilet training, yet, but she is climbing up the stairs without assistance, drinking from a sippy cup (especially her sisters!), and cutting another tooth. Tonight we gave her her first chocolate chip cookie which she LOVED and gobbled up without out any help. She has her first black eye which she got when she crawled over a pillow that moved with her and propelled her into a toy face first. I am happy to say that it was not her sisters fault, they were nowhere near her when it happened!.
They are all growing and changing so fast it is amazing to watch. I feel like there are more and more firsts every day and they are happening so fast I miss some of them. I am working hard at capturing as many "firsts" as I can. Lior is constantly reminding me to take her picture, so I finally have some help!
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