Today, when I was dropping the girls off at school, it happened again, a complete change in personalities. Sydney walked into the room and turned around and said "Bye Bye Mommy, Bye Bye Mommy" and walked away. Lior grabbed on to me and started to cry and had a really hard time. When I came to pick them up she ran to me and said "Mommy I miss you, I cry". Sydney ran out the door and climbed into the wagon with Jordan and then said "Hi Mommy!". It is amazing to see the differences in their personalities and how they change all the time. I always say they are never bad or unhappy at the same time.
Jordan is truly enjoying her time without the big girls but I think she also misses having them around. When we came home from dropping the girls off at school she had the opportunity to crawl around and explore without anyone picking on her. I found her sitting in her booster seat trying to buckle herself in, just like Sydney!
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