Potty training is going very well for Lior who wants to wear big kid pants most of the time. She is fairly successful most of the day, as long as I remind her that she is not wearing a diaper and I take her to the bathroom at least every twenty minutes. Needless to say I can not wait for this part to be over. I know that once she gets the hang of it I will not be running to the bathroom every twenty minutes or asking her every five minutes to use the bathroom.
Sydney is not as happy with the potty training. She would love to wear panties all the time but no matter how hard she tries she can not pee on the potty. I have to convince her to wear her diaper several times a day by reminding her that she can wear panties when she pees on the potty. I know that when she is ready she will be a breeze to train because that is how Sydney is when she sets her mind to doing something she does.
All I know is that by the end of the day Lior is ready for a diaper and I am ready for her to wear one as well! This afternoon, I walked into the living room to find Lior sitting on the floor trying to put on a diaper. She wore it for an hour and then decided that she needed her big girl pants.
I have already noticed a change in the amount of diapers we have gone through and I am excited that I do not have to run to the store this week. I might even have enough diapers to make it through the rest of the month!
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