We had a very pleasant surprise on Friday when an old friend called out of the blue to say hi and announce she was among the living again. I quickly invited her over for dinner, afraid she would disappear again. Emily came bearing gifts, lots and lots of gifts for everyone and each gift was a complete home run!
The big girls loved the scooters she brought, but it was the helmet, sun glasses and cell phone that were the biggest hits. As we all know, it is all about the accessories in this house and the scooter had really good accessories! Today Lior was wearing her sun glasses and I told her how cute she looked and she replied "You take my picture?"
Jordan was not left out and got the cutest walking toy which Matt plans on using every day this week to encourage her to walk (and change my life forever!). She has her eyes on the cell phone too and steals one as often as she can. They are also learning how to fight over the golf clubs while Matt and I duck to avoid a club to the head. And we can not forget the bubbles and bubble blowers because every few minutes they point outside so we can go and play with the bubbles.
Sydney certainly enjoyed Emily's visit because the first thing she said to me Saturday morning was "Where Emi?" It seems that her imagination has taken over and she is ready for a little trip. She has been putting on her helmet, gets on her scooter and stands at the door to baby jail and waves bye bye and when we ask her where she is going she says "I going see Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Cinderella, Mickey Mouse!" Even today when we had them out on the driveway, she was headed to the Magic Kingdom to see Mickey Mouse. She is ready for vacation, which is at least six weeks away! Why did I tell her we were going to Disney now? So I could here Sydney say over and over again "I see Mickey Mouse" and Lior say "Sydney see Goofy too?" We are ready for a nice family vacation.
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