Yesterday we took the girls to the local wetlands to look for animals, big animals. We found some ducks, turtles, at least two baby alligators and one VERY large alligator. I think it was hard for the girls to see the small gators but they definitely saw the big gator, especially after it jumped on some poor unsuspecting creature and ate it. After hearing the splash I quickly grabbed the girls and held them tight. The gator with the fresh catch in his mouth decided to swim in our general direction while we scooped the girls up and left the very large alligator to feast on his meal.
After our walk we took the girls to the mall to look for Halloween costumes at the Disney store. They were more interested in pulling all of the stuffed dolls off the shelves and driving Matt up a wall. Jordan was the only child who would humor Matt and try on a costume, too bad she is the only child who has a costume, because she would have made the cutest Tigger in town!
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