I have to say it because it is true. Jordan is getting cuter every day. Lior is getting cuter every day. Sydney is getting cuter every day. Let me present the evidence...
#1- Jordan stands up in the middle of the room, stands there laughs and gives you the biggest best smile in the world.
#2- Jordan took her first step to me yesterday and when she realized that she did it she got so excited she fell down.
#3- When I asked Lior what she did at school today she said "I cry", "why", I asked. "I miss you mommy". How cute is that???
#4- When Lior asked to go poopy in the potty at Matt's office today, she actually went! When she heard the poop hit the water, her face lit up and she screamed "I pooped in the potty, a big one!" I commented that it was a big one like daddy's and Lior said "P.U." and waved at her face.
#5- Sydney has asked for M&M's in a cup for the last two days and I have caved in and given it to them along with animal crackers and raisins with strict instructions not to give the M&M's to Jordan. Well, today the girls were sitting a little too quietly eating their delicious snack and much to my shock and horror, sharing their M&M's with Jordan. When I asked Sydney if she shared her M&M's with Jordan she shook her head proudly and said "EE-OR too!". Jordan was thrilled and had no problems eating those candy coated treats, she does not know that babies should not eat chocolate.
#6- Sydney sat quietly on her pink chair today with her baby, her purse and the babies bottle and rocked her baby, kissed her head and talked quietly to her. Later she picked up a book and tried to read it to her. How cute is that??
I told you the evidence is clear! Those girls are just getting cuter by the minute. Matt and I are the luckiest people on earth.
1 comment:
I have to agree. They are getting cuter by the minute. They are growing in leaps and bounds. I love to talk to the girls on the phone now. They actually have something to say. I even understand half of it. Jordan is much more expressive than ever and show genuine excitement when I dance for her. Debbie and I are truly the luckiest people on Earth.
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