We embraced our inner princesses today. Actually it was the big girls who were total princesses today with their father and grandfather egging them on. We made a trip to the Princess store today for haircuts. Lior was very excited about it this morning and was highly motivated to leave the house. She told me exactly what was going to happen and what the hairdresser was going to do, she even told me the color of the lollipop she was going to pick out. Sydney just told me that Lior was going to go first and then she was going to go. Both girls wanted Jordan to get a haircut but since she does not have enough hair she had to settle on a lollipop.
Sydney had such a grand plan but when we got there they took both girls at the same time. Sydney took it well and was coaxed into the chair by a very experienced hair dresser and beautiful flowers for her hair. Sydney can be bought!
Sydney sat beautifully in the chair and was so very brave. She was so proud of herself and so were we. The haircuts look beautiful and I think the girls had a great time.
I know Matt did, you should have seen his face when they sprayed the glitter on the girls hair. Priceless!
I know Jordan did, she got all the reward without having to be tortured in the "chair".
After the haircuts we made our trip over to the shoe store where Jordan and Lior got shoes. Sydney did not need shoes so she went shopping with Grandpa instead. They both had a great time but who would not have a good time playing in Pottery Barn Kids? The stuff in that store is so nice but way too expensive.
Today was a big day for two of my girls Sydney used the "big potty" twice today while we were out. Now this might not seem like a big deal but it is HUGE! We have been carrying around a portable potty so she can go on that. I hope that this trend will continue. Jordan also sat on the potty today while we were out. She insists on going to the bathroom every time the girls do and today Matt asked her if she wanted to sit and she did. The girls were so excited. They held her hand and told her she could do it. She did not pee but she sat and that is half the battle. Way to go Jordan!
Poor Akiva he does not stand a fighting chance. He is just surrounded by all these glamorous girly girls.