Sunday, August 24, 2008

And the x-ray says...

NO DIME!!! The dime has been evacuated. Matt took her for an x-ray this afternoon after we went shoe shopping. There is nothing in her body that is not supposed to be. The doctor who looked at the original x-ray said that it was so low originally that it probably came out the first time she pooped. Do you know what that means? I stuck my bare hand into a toilet bowl filled with poop for nothing. Matt touched poop (but that is just funny!) and there was nothing there. I could not be more relieved.
We were so happy we took the kids out to dinner and everyone got an ice cream sundae with gummy bears and M&M's.
We cheered because there was no dime. Lior is pretty determined NOT to swallow any kind of money, at all. Although she is not above teasing us about it. Right before bed she walked up to Matt and told him she swallowed "the penny". You should have seen the look of panic cross Matt's face but then she started to laugh and told him she did not swallow the penny. I am so glad she has such a great sense of humor because she has taken a lot of good natured teasing about this dime and handled it beautifully!

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