We celebrated the girls birthday on Sunday with a few friends. I am tired of huge birthday parties where I am so busy running around that I do not get to enjoy my friends. I am also tired of cooking for days in advance and worrying about all the things that go along with having a great kid's party. I was extremelly laid back in my planning this year. I did not order balloons and t-shirts until the Wednesday before the party. My husband, who knew the girls were having a princess party, was surprised when I wanted balloons and t-shirts in a hurry. After more than a dozen e-mails while I was out and about, thanks to my handy new i-phone, I apparently signed some art approval which said: "Hear ye, hear ye a great time was had by all at Sydney and Lior's Pincess party!" and that is how the balloons were printed. Of course we did not realize that the balloons had a misprint until all the balloons were blown up and of course my wonderful, loving and compassionate husband told me it was my fault that he misspelled princess. He reminded me that I sent back an art approval so he was in the clear. Thank goodness the t-shirts were made with different art or they would have said pincess also.
This party was small and we had a great time!
The kids all jumped in the pool and played in the sprinklers while some of the adults watched and prayed that the water did not drench us from head to toe. Matt had a blast tossing any child who would let him.
After all the fun in the pool everyone came in for princess cake.
I hope that the girls do not expect a princess cake created by their mother for their school party because I am done until October. They are going to have to make due with a store bought Disney Princess cake from the Kosher bakery. That cake I ordered about two weeks ago and I am willing to bet that it wont say pincess anywhere on it.
1 comment:
The Queen of Cakes has done it again!
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