I took the kids to the mall this morning so we would be out of the cleaning ladies way and while I was there I took the kids out to lunch. As I was paying Lior asked me for money and I thought to myself "Why not? She has a pocket and she likes to carry money..." So I gave it to her and she placed it in her pocket like she had won a prize. Matt met us for lunch and Lior ran to meet him and pulled the dime out of her pocket and showed him her money and tried to give it to him. Matt refused the money and told her to buy herself something.
Flash forward about an hour and we are now home and I am changing Akiva's diaper on our bed. Jordan is safely tucked into her crib and I am trying to get the big girls calmed down for a nap when I hear Lior choke and see her swallow hard. I quickly tell her to take the money out of her mouth and she looks at me with panic in her eyes and says "I can't! I swallowed it!" "You swallowed it???!!! Lior you do not put money in your mouth!!" and that is when she looked at me and told me she was going into the bathroom to throw up. I picked up the phone and called Matt who quickly called the pediatrician who told us to go to the emergency room or urgent care to make sure it was not stuck in her esophagus. My next step was to Google "children swallowing coins" to see what the course of action was. Thank goodness for the Internet and my i-phone!
Lior was less than thrilled about going to the doctor but she went without fight and was excellent at the doctors office while a little girl annoyed us. She was excellent while they examined her and while we waited for Matt to come and hold her for the x-ray. I could not hold her while they x-rayed her because I am nursing Akiva and we do not want to expose him to the radiation. When they were done with the x-ray Matt walks into the room and says "Lior needs to poop! The dime is in her stomach (the best place for it) but she needs to poop!" He then shows me a picture of the x-ray where you can actually see all the poop in her tiny little belly.
When we arrived home Lior went running into baby jail to see Sydney who ran to Lior and said "Your, you OK? Did the Doctor take the money out?" They are just so cute! They have enjoyed inspecting the pictures of Lior's belly and seeing her bones. I just hope she does not get any ideas!
We have learned several things today the first and most important thing Lior learned was not to put money in her mouth. She has informed us that she will never swallow another dime again! I learned never to give Lior money, something I will have to remind her of when she is a teenager. Matt learned that when your three year old hands you money, take it! or you might wind up with a couple of pictures that look like this:
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