Since Blogger is not uploading my pictures tonight and I actually have time to write, I will fill everyone in on what has been going on here this summer.
We have been beyond busy entertaining family and friends. My brother Danny and his family visited for close to three weeks and left their daughter Liel behind to help me with the kids. What we did not know when we made these plans was that Danny would have the opportunity to move to Florida with his company. About three weeks before his trip he started asking me about the cost of living in Florida and what the average electric bill was and I figured he was asking me these questions because he was considering a move. I was right, so we spent the majority of his vacation trying to find schools for his children and a place to live. All while trying to have fun and celebrate Eitan's Bar Mitzvah. We were very very busy.
Liel stayed behind to annoy me. I should not say that because most of the time she has been helpful, when she was reminded to take her head out of the clouds. Sometimes I wish I could be fifteen so that I did not have a care in the world but then I remember how much I hated high school and I am content to have my feet firmly placed on the ground. Liel is really a delightful person to be around. She has a fantastic sense of humor which keeps you on your toes because she always has a come back. Matt has enjoyed having her around because when her father is not around he has someone to tease on Shabbos. The girls really enjoy her and want her to do things for them all the time. "Liel, I want juice" or "can I have a snack?". She even changes diapers and wipes poopy bottoms! She is leaving on Thursday, which makes my girls very sad. "No Liel I do not want you to go!" They do not understand that she is coming back in about ten days and they will be seeing her more frequently.
I wonder what it will be like to have Dan's kids around our kids on a regular basis. Liel has all the girls speaking Japanese and taught Jordan to say "Up yours Daddy!" The girls actually repeat what ever she tells them to say. I am sure Eitan and Adina will take full advantage of our little parrots. Maybe they will teach the kids Hebrew instead of Japanese? Matt and I may be in trouble!
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