Today marked my third visit to the doctor in four days. We had to take Jordan to the doctor on Monday because she had a fever for over five days. Lior went yesterday for her dime and today while we were sitting in our music class I noticed that Jordan had a rash all over her stomach and her back.
Needless to say we were back to the pediatrician. This time I made an appointment for Akiva as well because the poor little guy seems to have or is getting the same "cold" the other kids had. It turns out that Jordan is allergic to penicillin, just like her mommy. She is now taking a different antibiotic that we hope she is not allergic to, apparently now medicating her is trial and error. Keep your fingers crossed that she does better with the new medicine because I would hate to see her covered with another rash and I do not want to see what they charge for the next level of medicine!
Akiva seems fine and weighs a whopping twelve pounds and twelve ounces. He is a little eating machine. We have to watch him and hope that his cough does not progress into anything more than a cough.
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