Thursday, August 28, 2008


The girls started school again on Monday. They were less than thrilled. They want to stay at home with me, they want to go to a different school, they want to go back to bed, they want to be anywhere but there. I hope this passes soon!
Matt is convinced that the girls learned more in camp than they did during the entire school year. This may be true as they really excelled this summer. I found a list of benchmarks for three and four year olds that I am using to assess the girls abilities. I want to make sure that they are where they should be developmentally and targeting areas that they may be deficient in.
Lior has really taken an interest in writing her name this week so we have been practicing that. Sydney is interested in drawing every member of our family. It is funny, in her pictures Matt has far more hair than he does in real life. She really loves her daddy.
Jordan is not ready for school either. On Wednesday she turned to me while we were dropping off and said "Don't yeave me, take me wit you!" January should be tons of fun!

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