All that ends well
Today was a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. It started off with Lior's inability to say my name without whining, every five minutes. Sydney followed her lead and whined and cried over every little thing. I decided to get them out of the house to save my sanity. I took them to Target where they screamed and cried the entire time we were in the store. Sydney hit Lior every time she could, attempted to climb out of the cart, and forced us to leave the store without buying the items we had piled into the cart. To top it all off I had an argument with some woman in the store who felt it was her duty to come over and talk to the girls while all three of them were screaming. I asked her to leave us alone because it was just making them scream louder and she felt it necessary to tell everyone around how rude I was. Just what I needed!
Nap time was an extension of the crying fest. Sydney would not stay in her crib and she was bothering Lior who wanted to go to sleep. I must have gone upstairs about a dozen times to put Sydney back into a bed, any bed she wanted and still she would not stay put. I gave up, closed their door and got into bed and took a nap. Not a long nap but long enough to feel a little relaxed. I have no idea if Sydney slept but I did not go and get her until 3:30, when nap time is usually over.
The day got better the minute Jordan picked up the quesadillas we were eating for dinner and started eating it all by herself. How could you feel bad when you look at that adorable little face? She is truly a beautiful baby, but I may be slightly biased.
After dinner we took the girls outside to play with sidewalk chalk and they had a blast which improved my mood tremendously.
They drew pictures with daddy when they were not running into our neighbors garage looking for his dog. All of a sudden both girls came running over crying hysterically. Sydney climbed into my lap screaming "animal cracker, animal cracker", it took me a few seconds to realize animal cracker meant firecracker!
But truly the best part of this terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day was when Lior peed on the potty. She is truly gifted! We could not be prouder of her. It appears that she was listening to the endless readings of the potty book. Matt and I were so excited, we screamed and yelled but Lior took it is stride and just wanted to get into the tub. When I asked her if she peed in the potty she said, "yes, baby pee".
Lior is on her way to being a big girl who pees on the potty and Matt and I are looking forward to having one less child in diapers!
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